Friday, April 25, 2014

National Security Fundamentals

Most Nations of the World Employ Two Types of
National Security Power -- Military and Diplomatic

Here's an interesting fact. There are 193 member states in the United Nations. Each of them has a permanent representative to the UN. But, not all of them have a standing army.

There are 21 nations around the world which have no armed forces.

This fact illustrates a fundamental characteristic of our world in the early 21st century: Most nations believe it is important to have both a national army as well as an active diplomatic corps.

The common wisdom is that nations need the capacity for active international engagement backed up by a credible military force. For some, it is a strong military force backed up by a posture of diplomacy. In any case, most nations choose to employ both the soft power of international diplomacy as well as a tangible military defensive force. They have decided they need both the capacity to talk as well as to fight (when pushed).

Yet, it is notable that a minority of nations have determined that they don't need both types of power. Given a choice to have one or the other, a score of nations has opted to invest in diplomacy.

This says something about the world we live in. If you're a nation-state, military power is optional. The soft power of diplomacy is essential.

So, doesn't it make sense for the United States to be an active leader in the United Nations -- which provides the world's greatest forum for international engagement?

We think so, too!

"U.S. Out of the UN?"

Opponents of U.S. leadership in the United Nations are essentially arguing for the surrender of one of America's most effective forms of national power.

"To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war."
--Sir Winston Churchill

"Diplomatic power has enabled our country to be more secure
and more prosperous. That's one reason why 86% of Americans
want to maintain an active role in the United Nations."

... Read more at National Security Fundamentals, Part 2

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